Aurora Gets A Cage Cleaning & Rearrangement


Howdy to all who love and appreciate the avian lifestyle. Today is Mother's Day and though our Conure is not a mother, we pamper her like she is.

A clean home is a happy home and it's no different for birds. So today we went to the task of cleaning her cage.

If this is your 1st time meeting Aurora and you adore Conures, please check out her introduction here on Feathered Friends.


You might notice in the pic that it's a clean cage already. I didn't remember to catalog the task in imagery until after we started.

The cage wasn't too dirty because she's been spending less time there since we moved to our new home. Still, it was past time to get the job done.


When we clean the cage we roll it outside cause it can get messy. As we do the work, Aurora loves to hang out on her window perch and watch.


A view from the inside shows how happy she is with a small bit of blood orange in her beak. She loves the fruit bar we hang for her.

Bananas, oranges, apples, and pineapple are some of the fresh fruit she favors. It also flies everywhere when she gets it off her beak. The window and perch need cleaning too.


Sun Conures like Aurora are a very inquisitive and intelligent species of bird. To keep their minds stimulated, they take right to toys in their environment. But just like people, they become accustomed to and bored of them in time.

A great method to keep their interest is to switch their cage around when it's time to clean it. Taking all the perches and toys off makes them easier to clean anyway. We use wipes that have a very small bleach percentage, enough to kill virus and bacteria, to wipe down the cage.


There's Aurora back on her suction cup window perch. All cleaned up and ready for her to throw fruit around again!


A job well done and a clean bird cage back in its original spot. We haven't put her food and water bowls back in yet and she's letting us know. That's her swinging the door to her missing sunflower bowl in protest.

Besides fresh fruit, Aurora enjoys a variety of vegetarian foods. Nuts and seeds make up the bulk with dried fruit added in the mix. Almonds are a special treat along with toasted bread.

Hope you enjoyed this Mother's Day, bird cage cleaning, informational, Aurora show off special!!

Thanks for viewing and Happy Hiveing.


Images Courtesy Of My Galaxy S10+
Bottom Image Courtesy Of Brand Assets


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