Show Me A Photo Contest Round #70 in Feathered Friends community


Happy Friday night to all Hivers friends hoping to have a blessed weekend. Grateful to @nelinoeva for the opportunity to participate again in the weekly contest number #70 of the Feathered Friends community for this occasion the theme is the following "Birds With Open Beaks"

Feliz noche de Viernes para todos los amigos Hivers esperando tener un bendecido fin de semana. Agradecido con @nelinoeva por la oportunidad de participar nuevamente en los concursos semanales número #70 de la comunidad Feathered Friends para esta ocasión el tema es el siguiente "Birds With Open Beaks".


In previous topics I have already shown you this little friend that my wife has at home, he is very friendly and playful, so it was not difficult to get him to open his mouth to take advantage of the moment and photograph him. He was perched on top of a chair let's just say he looked like he wanted to talk but he just says a few little words. I say goodbye and remember to continue supporting the Feathered Friends community.

Ya en temas anteriores les he mostrado este amiguito que tiene mí esposa en su casa el es muy amigable y juguetón así que no fué difícil conseguir que abriera el pico para aprovechar el momento y fotografiarlo. El estaba colocado en la parte superior de una silla digamos que parecía cómo que quería hablar pero sólo dice algunas pequeñas palabras. Me despido y recuerden seguir apoyando a la comunidad Feathered Friends.


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