SMAP Beak/Bill

i took this photo of a painted stork in Keoladeo Bird Sanctuary in Rajasthan

Hello, birdwatchers and bird lovers greetings. Today I am posting some of my very special birds with their special beaks. Some look funny with their long beak, like Painted storks or heavy bill, like Malabar hornbills, or a big beak for a small bird, like kingfishers, and some are very elegant like hoopoes, and sunbirds,
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immature painted stork standing quietly

Young babies fighting for food
There were lots of these painted storks with their babies They are mostly gray and brown in color and often seen fighting for food and making lots of noise.

these photos are from Rajasthan. They have a special technique digging in the ground with their beak to find food and raising their beak towards to sky like drinking sunshine.

Resident Malabar hornbills often come together as a pair in our garden. sometimes sitting on a tall coconut palm or high up in Suru (Kind of evergreen) trees to easily catch the small birds. sometimes they eat fruits from our garden especially cashew plums

Lovely tiny sunbird. I like its sharp curved beak. it is very nice to see its skill when it drinks nectar from a flower.

This is an openbill. the bill is really open and funny. they like water and close to our house there is one small seasonal marsh.

I always wonder how this small bird manages with a beak that looks bigger than his head but it is very attentive and adept and quickly catches its prey.

those were some beaks/bills I found in my archive.
Thanks for stopping by.

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