Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 163

Hello all Hive friends,

@nelinoeva initiative a contest - Show Me A Photo Contest for Feathered Friend community.
Click here to check the official post
This is my entry for the same and the theme is ROUND 163 is FREE THEAM.

My entry..

I love the free theme as we can choose any pic we clicked. This give us the freedom to choose and present to our beautiful Hive family our best pic clicked. I was going through the past album and find this single bird sitting on a branch. The background made this click more beautiful. The bokhe comes out to be very nicely. When we trying to click such picture and in the background we have some objects, the bokhe effects play a very important role. I am not an expert of photography but always try to do experiments.

The photo for today participation I am submitting is black and white conversion of a colored click. I chose the picture and try to make it more beautiful using the editing tools available on smart phone. I usually use the snapseed to edit the picture as it is very easy to use and has very straightforward options. Below is the first edit using the snapseed.

I was not satisfied with the outcome as was feeling like sometimes is missing. If you give attention then you will find that the main object which is bird in the above picture is not coming out form the background. The bird is looked like a black spot without any detailing.

So I thought and finally decide to covert it into black and white version. Again I was using the snapseed and instead of using the direct black and white conversion option available in the application I choose to do it using the Saturation option. I lower down the Saturation to zero and start applying the other option in the same menu. After playing with option for some time I come up with the below picture.

This time also the picture was looking better form the previous one but still I was not satisfied with the outcome. The main reason for dissatisfaction was the same which was in colored version. Still the features of the bird were not coming out as expected.

I decide to give another try and this time used the exposer option of the application. After some more experience the final results are in front of you.

I have also cropped the image which is also one reason that the picture comes out nicely.

Hope you will like the entry. Share your views in comment section.

This account belongs to my kid. She is just 6 year old and as she does not know writing so my wife (@mk992039) and me (@guurry123) are managing the account for now. We will handover the account to her when the time comes.

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