Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 167

Hello all Hive friends,

@nelinoeva initiative a contest - Show Me A Photo Contest for Feathered Friend community.
Click here to check the official post
This is my entry for the same and the theme is ROUND 167 is FREE THEAM.

My entry..

Sharing a pic clicked a log back. A single bird sitting on branch of a tree. The picture has been croped form below picture.

The full pictures looks more about the tree and its not easy to find the bird in the picture so shared the crop picture if same.

Hope you will like the entry. Share your views in comment section.

This account belongs to my kid. She is just 6 year old and as she does not know writing so my wife (@mk992039) and me (@guurry123) are managing the account for now. We will handover the account to her when the time comes.

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