Show Me A Photo (SMAP) Round 128 - My Morning Friend And Visitor

Hello there Feathered friends. It's been quite a while since I last participated in this actually fun and very challenging contest, the Show Me A Photo or SMAP, hosted by @nelinoeva. It is now Round 128 while the last edition of SMAP that I entered was in Round 105. Has it been that long? Check out the rules and regulations of this contest here.

This week's theme is:


I almost did not participate again this week simply because I thought I did not have any photos to show our theme this week -Hidden. I went through my archives and suddenly dug up a video I took of my morning friend. Some of you may know this but for those who don't, my morning friend is a small, colorful, and surprisingly amiable bird called the Olive Back Sunbird. I call her Olivia.

Here she is perched on our cyclone fence.


Every morning when I water the plants she would be there chirping and singing, zooming in and out of our giant staghorn ferns, and bathing in the water spray from the hose. She got so used to me, I guess, that she actually did not mind me getting close to her, in fact even staying still as if posing when I go near to take her photo. I've shown several photos of her in different posts but not the videos. So I wondered if there was anything in the video that would satisfy the week's theme and I think I found several. Using the screen shot feature of my cell phone, I took some from the video and edited them. Here's what I got.




She's so small that one has to look really long and hard to find her in the photos, especially the last 2. It's like she's hiding and keeping still.

The last photo is my entry this week. Oh by the way, did you see her? On the upper right side blending in with the leaves and flowers which incidentally match her colors.

All for now. Happy to have been able to participate again. Hope you like this post. Best of luck to all the participants with all their awesome entries. Stay safe and may you all have a blessed weekend.

(All photos are mine.)

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