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Caring mother swamp hen feeds her chicks

How I love swamp chickens. Such joy is filled when I see them. And I don't see these birds as often as I would like. Last time I saw little chicks of these birds. This rarely happens. They usually hide as soon as the person appears. Swamp chickens live on water, mostly in reeds or cattails. They nest there. I've seen gray-brown chicks before. First met black chicks. They are so funny. The chicks endlessly asked their mother for food.

A caring mother looked for food and carried it to the chicks. In this photo, you can see how the bird holds food in its beak and swims.

The chicks are ready to wait, swallowing food in seconds and asking for more.

Only the squeaking of chickens and all the attention towards mom can be heard.

Look at these chicks. It's a miracle! Pay attention to how powerful they are. Even babies, and the legs are already strong.

Mom the bird is so beautiful. Soon her chickens will grow up and will be just as beautiful.

Mom is tired and she also needs to rest.

And then a video where you can see how the mother fed her chicks.

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