The Birds Are Coming! The Sudden Spring Cold and Finding Bird Friends in the Thicket

Spring day is done and the winter cold is still with us. Even the birds are feeling this cold, hiding in the thicket. Or so it seems! Spring day was on the 31st of August, or that is if you go on the weather. Yes, spring day is on the 1st of September, but the weather was awful and still is. But on the 31st of August, we had stunning weather and everyone enjoyed it as spring day, even the birds! The sunbirds are coming, and I am only waiting for them to jump into my garden with all its flowers and nectar. They are only surveying from a distance on the leafless-fig tree.

Soon they will flock to their favorite bush full of yellow flowers, full of aphids to munch on! But for now, they are merely watching, waiting for the true spring day to come when the flowers are in full bloom and full of aphids!

In the thicket, I heard the familiar call of the olive thrush (Turdus olivaceus). Flying from the leafless-fig tree, I followed it to the thicket trying to snap a photograph. It was still cold, a nasty wind blowing, but it sat there singing its lonely song. Or, it always feels so lonely to me as it reminds me of waking up in the morning at 4 am to bake.

Before sunset, I also heard the call of the Cape Spurfowl (pternistis capensis). It sat on the wall, gave two calls, and decided to fly away. I tried to capture this moment, as I always want to find that awesome shot of birds flying away. Maybe when I have a better camera and lens. But for now, this has to suffice!

Over the wall, I used my zoom lens and captured some photographs of them pecking seeds of the last winter weeds. How awesome is it that they eat these seeds and disperse them throughout the area so that next year a new crop will come up? Only to continue the cycle again and again.

They are, in my opinion, one of the most beautiful birds in this area. Their feathers are so beautiful, almost abstract art-like, and their calls remind one of better times. Their unique sound always pulls me from the present into a better place, somewhere beyond the now. If you google, you can find various sources in which you can hear their lovely calls. It is such a lovely sound to wake up with. Unless it is, again, 4 am in the morning and you need to bake bread!

They always remind me of "cool dudes walking". They have a small "mohawk" and they look so "chilled". Enough 2000's lingo! I love to just watch them be, but they never stay long. As fast as they arrived, so fast they also leave me again. The garden is a safe space, but not one they can stay in.

Alas, I am behind my computer, feeling the cold in my hands. I am sure they are also feeling the cold, wondering where the summer-spring day went. Maybe they are also thinking that the winter is back. Let us hope for some warmer days. I hope that you enjoyed these stunning bird friends from my garden. All of the photographs were taken with my Nikon D300 and all of the musings are my own. Happy birding and stay safe!

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