When beauties combined #SMAP

Hello everyone, am so glad and excited to be a part of this contest every week. As a person who loves birds this is a great platform to share my knowledge about birds and to educate myself from others post.

Eventhough i have seen many birds and flowers together but when i checked my phone interestingly i could find only 4 photos.

DSC_6998.JPGlocal myna enjoying butea monosperma flower
These flowers attracts alot of birds like this myna. Butea tree is also called the flame of the forest because of its flowers which resembles flame.

DSC_2755-01.jpegmexican parrot near petunia flower
In Idukki, india which is my hometown there are many rare and amazing birds and am lucky to see many types of parrots like ring necked parrots , pink parrots , and like the one in this second photo mexican parrot. That flower made that photo even more beautiful

DSC_8042.JPGbulbull near kongini flower
This pic was taken just this morning. The plant on which this bulbull is sitting is called the kongini chedi in loval language . These birds usually makes nests on these plants and these plants have small berries which are fed to the hatchlings. This plants are used by people for fencing their property and as these birds are not afraid of people they build their nests on these fences.

Once again speacial congratz to @nelinoeva and @featheredfriends for this amazing contest . Keep up the good work.


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