Feathered Friends/Show Me A Picture of a Bird Contest Round 152 - Theme - Edits

This is my entry to Round 152 of the Feathered Friends - Show Me A Picture of a Bird Contest. The theme being - Edits. The rules are here. ➡️ Rules

While we were out walking, we came across a peahen and a peacock in someone's front garden. I'm not sure if they actually lived there or were just passing through. We tend to see them in parks or the stately homes we visit that are based in the countryside. They have a distinctive call, so you hear them before you see them.

I think they were more interested in the rooster and hens at the farm across the road than us.

It's a pity the peacock didn't fan out his feathers as they are really beautiful to see. The peahen is more subtle. After a short while, we left them in peace to carry on doing what they were doing. Which was nothing .....

The original photographs are below. ⬇️

Thank you to @nelinoeva and everyone in the #featheredfriends community who help and support the contest.

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