Feathered Friends: Show Me A Photo #SMaP Contest Round 154

The great tit with its green and yellow body and lovely glossy black head and white cheeks.

Just like the robin, they can be quite aggressive around food chasing off other birds.

In the countryside, pheasants are quite a common sight, very colourful with a long tail. Sadly, between 1st October and 1st February pheasant shooting takes place in certain areas. Not sure how they can kill such a beautiful bird.

It wouldn't be the same without a robin visiting the bird feeding station. Along with the great tit, this one was helping itself to the pink and white suet pellets.

This is my entry to the #SmaP Show me a photo of a bird - free theme - Round 154.

The male bullfinch has a bright pinkish-red breast and cheeks, a grey back, black cap, and tail, with a bright white bum!

Thank you to @nelinoeva and the @featheredfriends team.

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