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Sickly Red Breasted Robin

Hi fellow Feathered Friends,

Today the little man and I came across a bird that was sadly sickly!

Sickly Red Breasted Robin

When we go out for walks, we tend to see a whole lot of wildlife! This walk here was no different except we saw something we don't usually see: an injured but still alive animal!

Our son has quite the big heart, he gets sad over things that we are a bit desensitized to as adults like seeing an injured animal. Don't get me wrong I feel bad seeing an injured animal however you end up understanding that it's just how nature works. This time, our son got a little taste of that reality but we made some effort to rescue the little fella!

This red breasted robin was worse for weary that's for sure. We were walking and we came upon it by accident. We were walking near some cars and the little man got a little too close to the critter and it spooked it so it was flopping around a bit. I felt bad and the poor thing was in a parking spot so I didn't want it to get crushed by a car. There are quite a few elderly people that can't see very well (no offense to the silvers!) that live where we do and I knew that this thing was going to get crushed so we grabbed some sticks and got to work.

I knew that we wouldn't be touching the critter, you never know what the heck is going on with these things and I've never seen this type of strange behavior in a bird so I knew I wasn't going to mess around. As cool as it would be to pick one up, this one was in rough shape. We think that the thing ingested some of the grass seed that they sprayed all over the ground or something. It acted more poisoned than anything and I felt bad but I also didn't know of a way to kill it off without crushing it with a rock or something brutal. Didn't want the little man to get horrified on that one lol

We ended up grabbing some sticks and moving it over to the grass and kind of propped it up a bit for a few reasons. If the bird was just a little poisoned or something, if it recovered it was in a spot that would allow it to fly away if it could. It also was highlighted to people walking that it was an injured animal and nobody would step on it by accident not realizing what it was on the ground.

The bird was a little strange in that it had periods of lucidity where it would flutter its wings, puff itself up and adjust the feathers to be neat again so it seemed like it was a little sick with something but not hopeless. In any case though we tried to do our best to make the bird sort of comfortable while giving it a chance to fly away if it wanted to.

We were certainly not expecting to have such a sort-of tragic #WednesdayWalk but that's how it turned out!

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