My Entry for Feathered Friends Contest Round 163.

Good day, dear friends in the #feathered friends community. Today is another day to set to find some amazing birds to share with everyone here. I'm happy to have an entry this round because I missed the last round, feels so bad. This is my entry photo:

For this round, it's a free theme contest and I'm to be sharing with us some photos of the woodland kingfisher. This bird is one of the rarest in my country, not to mention of city. I was so excited and at the same nervous when I saw the bird. I felt nervous because I knew if try getting close to the bird to get a clearer picture it might fly off.

My phone is not made to take quality photos. I mean photos that when zoomed would be clear and presentable. So all I had to do was to get close to the tree it perched.

I took several photos of the bird before it finally flew off. It's been a long time since I visited my alma mater. I decided to visit one of my friends who was working there. So while we were strolling and discussing down the walkways, we passed several beautiful flowers and finally, I came across this beautiful bird I had presented.

The first time I saw this bird was when I was in Primary School. I remember when I used to board the school bus. When the bus dropped me off, I had to take a few steps before getting to my house. I used to see several birds but the day I saw this woodland kingfisher, I gave it my attention. It looks unique and colorful. I don't know how to differentiate the male from the female because all the kingfishers I have seen are just colorful and beautiful.

One last thing I noticed about the bird is that it was alone. If loneliness can kill a man, what happens to this lone kingfisher? Though I don't know if it has a partner around or not loneliness is never good. That's one of the reasons for marriage in humans and coupling in animals. I pray it finds a life partner if that is what it needs.

Thanks for reading this few things I have to say about the bird I got for this round. Thanks and have a great day.

The photos above are all mine, taken with my phone, Infinix Note.

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