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Aren't babies adorable? All babies ... except maybe a baby crocodile. Or a baby snake. Ok. So maybe not all babies. On a homestead you see a lot of cute and cuddly babies. We also see those nasty snakes. While the sheep are popping lambs and the goats kids we've been waiting rather impatiently for our hens to get broody enough to hatch out chicks. They took too long and summer is half over so we borrowed an incubator from a friend. It is a rather ingenious but primitive homemade incubator. Very basic. But very effective with nearly 100% success rate! Ask my dad and brother who sell the imported expensive incubators. We loaded two dozen fertile eggs and set the timer. 21 days ....

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Today is day 22 and we have a bumper crop of cute and cuddly little chicks. All have hatched except the last egg. But that little guy is all he's cracked out to be and it'll be a matter of time.

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Meanwhile about a week into the incubating we found a broody hen on her little stash of eggs. Who would've thought! Two days ago those little chicks hatched.

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We were hoping mama hen would adopt some of the incubator chicks. But .... instead she tried to rip them apart. While I was hoping for a big happy family she rather aggressive about the idea. It is quite amazing how the mama hen knows her own babies. And all our human ears hear is cheep cheep cheep CHEEP!

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The timing of the little brood of chicks is perfect for the 50th round of #SMaP. So @nelinoeva here's my version of Wet Birds You have to admit. Babies are so adorable. Unless they're a baby snake. Or a baby crocodile ....

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