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"Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark..."

Birdsong waking the dawn certainly makes the quote beautifully true. It is a call to arise and face even the darkest day. It is a song of hope and promise. I love being awoken by birdsong. Surely even the saddest heart must soar with hope at the dawn chorus joyfully welcoming a new day. Our homestead is all a-twitter long before the first rays of sunshine warm any ruffled feathers. Waking early to the chores of the day come with that sparkling silver lining when it is begun hearing the orchestra of a myriad of birds.

Then, just as the world is waking the little songbirds nestle their beaks between their wings and refresh themselves for the busy day ahead. One sight that I love to see is a bird at rest with beak deep between the feathers of their wings. Thanks to @nelinoeva stirring up my bird memories with this week's SMaP 134 - Wings I could dig out my pretty pink flamingo photos. Just like birdsong pink is a joyful colour. The photo of the resting flamingo always fills me with joy.

How do you feel about the dawn birdsong?

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