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Many Feathered Friends!

Our walk through the forest provided some amazing visits from an array of different friends! 😃 Canada has an abundance of different birds: songbirds, waterbirds, birds of prey... Here were just a few we were able to capture during our walk 🙂

This is known as the Downey Woodpecker. The males are distinguishable by the little red patch atop their head. The females are simply black and white.

A family of swans! Mama and papa with their young chick! Unfortunately we could not get closer, but were delighted to be greeted by such a sight!

This is the Red-winged Blackbird. They are normally solitary creatures who greatly prefer to be left alone! 😅 However, when these ones noticed we had seeds, there were more than happy to stay for some photos!

Unfortunately we could not get a better shot of this little guy.. But he is known as the Brownheaded Cowbird.

And finally, an owl, perched within the tree! 😁 He wasn't too impressed at being awoken during the late afternoon..