Mi introducci贸n a Hive -- Introduce myself to Hive 馃惁



-This is my first post in this platform What can I say about myself? I am a quiet and private person, I am not too active in social media, but two months ago (approximately) a friend saw one of my drawings, and she said: 驴Why you don't share your drawings by internet? so other people can see them, give you advices and cheer you up to get better. Also you can do the same with the images of other people. I thought about it and honestly takes me a while being here, I think I am ready to try new things and meet wonderful people around the world.

-First i want to apologize with the kind souls that will read my posts, my english level is not the best, but i consider that this could be a valuable chance to imporve in this aspect too.

-I chose @birdgirl name because since I had memory, always I have been fascinated with birds, from how they look, how they sounds and behavior; if I am walking by the street and see a bird, easily can be distracted by it.

-Recently, I made the drastic change of hand-drawing to digital drawing, and I said drastic because I still can not get used to the screen feel, hope with the time and practice gets better. I would like to share with you some of my drawings of birds (others animals too), skeletons, landscapes, plants, bridges and even abstract images.

-What I have learned about drawing has been the product of a combination of trial and error and video tutorials. Here I share one of them, I finished this drawing today of a kingfisher. I enjoyed painting this cute little feathered friend!

-If you have any recommendation of a beautiful bird, I will gladly look for it and draw it!







Reference Image: https://www.pinterest.es/pin/592786369715581686/

-As I said at the beginning I am a very private person, I believe that in order to feel more free, creative and comfortable on this platform, I will not share personal information beyond the thoughts and advice that I feel comfortable sharing.

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