Birds Tail | My Entry SMAP Round 38

Show Me A Bird Photo

Round 38

Here is my entry for round 38 of the SMAP contest by @nelinoeva if you want to participate simply click on this link follow the rules in order to be eligible to participate

Hello FF Community I Hope you are all spent a good time this Wednesday I was just looking at my old collection of birds photography and these what I found for this contest These photographs I took when I visit the northern area

Bird Name: Long-Tailed Tit

The long-tailed tit tail is as long as its body. This was a Tiny Kit with a long tail these birds love to eat incests throughout the year but also love to eat berries looks how adorable this tiny bird is looking 😊


Here is another photograph of a long-tailed tit


Photograph of a dove showing his tail this female dove is looking so sweet and beautiful


More Bendany

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