Show Me A Photo Contest Round 133 by Bambuka

In this contest, its organizer @nelinoeva offers to share photos of birds that are cleaning their feathers.

You can often see ducks, chickens, swans, smaller birds that dig with their beaks in their plumage. Some of them may be cleaning their feathers from insects or dirt. But most often birds sort out their feathers with their beaks before the beginning of rainy weather.

They cover their feathers with a thin layer of fat with their beaks, which is located in bubbles on their skin. Such is cosmetology.

I found a flock of swallows that were going to wander to warmer climes. They were fussing on the wires near one pole. It was the only place in the village where they could be seen.

There was a real deafening noise, each bird gave out its tongue twister. And of course, many of them "cleaned their feathers". At the same time, they did it quickly. They started quickly and finished just as quickly.

Take a closer look at these photos, you can find more than one such bird on them.

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