Indian curlew typical of the plains of Venezuela🇻🇪🇻🇪

Good afternoon, dear friends of this great community #featheredfriends, this time I will share with you a majestic bird that can be found in the plains of my country Venezuela, its name is the Indian curlew, it has certain characteristics that can be seen with the naked eye first place are more common crepuscular birds of nocturnal habits, they can feed on insects and small reptiles


its plumage color favors it when it comes to camouflage maple in the sand and has long legs that allow them to move quickly on land to catch up with their prey or to flee from an attack by any other animal


their breeding season is in March and April where they lay their eggs on the earth's surface for incubation, later these birds are jealous of their nests and their chicks are capable of carrying out an incessant air attack in order to ward off threats from their nests or chicks


This has been all for now dear friends, soon I will be sharing more content regarding our feathered friends who, to tell the truth, are fascinating to look at in all their variety.


the photos are my property and were taken with my plum gator cell phone

@armasdiazephone plum gatorOrtiz Guarico Venezuela
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