Feathered Friends - SMaP Contest Round 107 - Corvidae (10 pics)

Hello, my friends.

Hello Feathered Friends Lovers.

Hi, @nelinoeva. I am glad that you continue your contests and I am glad that I can participate in them.
We often do not notice what is around us, we get used to it and do not think about the essence. Why am I saying this? I'm talking about the fact that the concept of "crows, corvidae" is much broader than I thought.


This week's theme (ROUND 107)

So what is Corvidae? Of course, first of all, it is the crow itself. The gray crow lives mainly in our area. And there is such a thing as a "White Crow". This is considered a deviation from the norm, albinism, and such crows are very rare in nature. But with such a phrase, people call a person, not like the whole central "gray mass of people". Often this person is creatively gifted and inventive and his behavior breaks out of certain social norms. A striking example is Einstein.
But today we are still talking specifically about birds.
I knew that Corvidae includes crows, ravens, jackdaws, magpies, and rooks. But I didn't realize that there is a beautiful jay in the same row!

The name Corvidae for the family was introduced by the English zoologist William Elford Leach in a guide to the contents of the British Museum published in 1820. Over the years, much disagreement has arisen on the exact evolutionary relationships of the corvid family and their relatives. What eventually seemed clear was that corvids are derived from Australasian ancestors, and spread throughout the world from there. Other lineages derived from these ancestors evolved into ecologically diverse, but often Australasian, groups.

This is the information I found on Wikipedia. Amazy.. The ancestors come from Australia.

The gray crow. This is a very smart bird. Once I personally watched the crows riding on a metal roof covered with a thin layer of snow. well, like children riding down a slide.
I also saw a crow flirting with a cat on the fence. She flew from one place to another over the red-haired neighbor's cat. The cat turned around in an awkward position and walked back to the crow. The crow was making a flight to its former place. And croaked at him. She was clearly mocking the cat. Then this crow often flew to the backyard of our house. About 5 years ago, she flew in with her three children and taught them to carry food from my dog's bowl. It was very funny. But even earlier, she taught her little crows to fly in our yard.

Jackdaws. The name of this bird is consonant with the name of my wife. In my childhood, in the village where I lived, such birds are not seen. In general, I must say that all these birds (crows, jackdaws, rooks) prefer to live in cities where people are very careless about food waste. This is an expanse for such birds. In the village in winter they have nothing to profit from.

Magpie. The rival of the crow. This girl also flew with her children to our house plot. And, for about a year, I saw that they always arrived as a whole family, and then the magpie began to arrive again alone. Probably, the kids grew up and separated.

The black raven. Forest proud bird. He usually flies alone, but this photo was taken in the spring when the birds begin their mating season. I almost never saw raven in our area near a populated place, he prefers to live away from humans.

The rook. It is a migratory bird. They arrive in our area in early March. They build their nests on tall poplars and birches. Last spring, I wanted to get closer to their nesting site. I saw about 30 nests, but the rooks made a big noise and started circling over me. I decided I'd better get away from them.

Jay. This beautiful bird pleases me with its appearance for the second year.
But at the beginning of this week, I was a little sad - I haven't seen these birds at my feeder for several days. Last year, 4 of them arrived, then 3 usually began to appear, it was rare that four of them arrived. And now I haven't seen them for several days! Yesterday I saw one jay. And today she flew in alone. What happened? Where did the rest of the Jays go? Maybe they were scared by a hawk that periodically hunts near my house, at my feeder. But I hope that they will still come to me.

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