The birds are coming to visit me again (12pics)

Greetings friends.
May 10th. I put the food back in the bird feeder and invited the birds to it.
What happened?
It had been snowing intermittently for the previous 2 days, but tonight winter carried out a decisive attack and covered our city with snow. In the morning, I saw birds sitting on a tree outside my window. They came in search of food and I realized that I had to help them, I had to feed them and I did it.

At first, the birds tried to find food under the snow, but their small beaks were not adapted. These birds do not live in our city in winter, but fly south.

I saw that even a Starling had flown to my tree. This year I've seen a lot of starlings in Tula and Moscow, but I hardly see them in our village. I got the impression that starlings also settled in big cities. I remembered. I also saw starlings in Abu Dhabi in winter.

Common Chaffinch was the first to dare to fly up to the feeder and take food. He didn't even sit on the feeder, he grabbed a seed in flight. This guy in bright colors reminded me of a hummingbird. The seed was obviously too big for his beak, he does not know how to eat such seeds, as tits do. But he really wanted to eat and somehow ate a seed and went for the second one.
The Starling did not eat anything.
Fieldfare also flew away without touching the food.

Common Chaffinch then a whole small flock flew in. They were boys and girls. They had a lot of fun.
I also noticed 2 Tits, one European Greenfinch, and even a Hawfinch. But these birds come to visit me in winter, and they can find food for themselves now.
Snow continued to fall almost all day with varying degrees of intensity, but still, the air temperature rose above zero.

And the Starling appeared on the tree one more time. I do not know if it was the same or another Starling.
While I was writing this post, a small Woodpecker with a redhead flew to the feeder. I didn't have time to take a picture of him, he didn't wait for me and flew away.

The weather forecast is not encouraging and a new snow wave may likely come.
Is this "global warming"?

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