Gulls. Lots of gulls

Hello friends.

I'm not a wizard or a magician, I'm just learning to be one.

This is my answer to the "BIRD AND SAND" challenge Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 25


During one of my walks along the embankment of the Vyatka River, I saw a large cluster of gulls on a small sandy island.
What did they find there? Why are they gathered in one place? Maybe they decided to organize some kind of concert? Singing together?
I have no idea what is going on in the little heads of these gulls.
But there was really a lot of noise from them!
One day I was walking along a sandy beach and suddenly a lone seagull began to attack me from above. The bird flew over my head, turned around and made another dive at me.
I found a stick and began to hold it over me. Only then did the bird fall behind me.

I give 5% of the reward to archon, and he thanks me for it. Do you do it?

I wish everyone happiness for life and good luck for every day.

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