Why my comments are muted in the Silver Bloggers community?

I had a discussion with @thebigsweed.

I did not even noticed it at first, but he notified me that my comments are muted. I posted my comments with Ecency, and the mute is not visible in Ecency, but I checked my comments on Hive, and my comments are indeed hidden.

Can anyone explain this? Maybe @lizelle.

I currently have 64 reputation, so this should not be a problem. And as far as I know, I have not received downvotes on any of my comments in the Silver Bloggers community.


Even if the administrators of the community do not like some of my statements in my various comments, censorship is not the solution. But maybe one of the administrators accidentally muted me.

I am not a spammer, not a plagiarist, not a scammer. I am an old user, who is using the Hive blockchain for more than 4 years (since 2017.05.17).

I comment in good faith, even if some of the statements I wrote are negative. Yes, negative, but true statements about the Hive blockchain. I write only the truth.

Either way, I am completely against censorship. And everyone deserves the freedom of speech.

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