My heart will go on ... An ode to the wild spirit hobby still going strong as I grow wiser 😀

56 Years Young ... Too old for my hobby? I think not, if I am to believe this quote..

“As soon as you feel too old to do a thing, do it.” Margaret Deland


I am an amateur wildlife photographer. A hobby I developed when I started getting a bit long in the tooth, at the ripe old age of 50. Well, late in life or not, I did take a liking for it and here I am - Chasing after beautiful birds and animals to capture them in my camera.

While it gives me immense pleasure, I think it is also an important exercise to capture and showcase wildlife beauty to increase awareness about the wild species and their habitats...

I often get scolded by friends, relatives and the better half because I go wandering in jungles and grasslands even when some part or other of my body is not at it's optimum.

"You are not 25 anymore" is the standard dialogue from my wife. She loves my energy and hobby but wants me to take it easy.

Well - the rule of this world is that all things which are beautiful/tasty and desirable are either unattainable, fattening or married 🤣 Just kidding ! However - it is true that the most exotic and photogenic birds and mammals are always found in far-away, difficult jungles and not in my backyard!

I, therefore, started thinking if I should risk the wrath of my wise wife or take it easy. My heart voted I go on and on,,, and what better subject for which I took this decision than the beautiful Heart-spotted Woodpecker!

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Collage created by me from my own click, my own artwork using Canva

This tiny woodpecker literally has hearts on it's wings. It is not easy to find because it is mostly found in deep forests. I had a go at it couple of years ago and spent 2 full days in sweltering heat in the jungles. I tried to follow and capture this beauty. I tried hiding, camouflage, different times, locations - everything but all I could get was this one long shot of the woodpecker...

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My own click of Heart spotted woodpecker-1

The wild spirit in me would not accept the failure to get a close-up portrait click of this beauty .
I kept trying for 2 full years. Multiple times I went to various jungle locations where I tried to spot the Heart-spotted woodpecker but alas - I could only get brief glimpses of it and could not click a single picture...

It was an arduous task to go drive almost 400-500 Kilometers on Friday nights, spend the weekend searching for it and drive back...

I almost lost heart about getting a good portrait shot of the Heart-spotted woodpecker...However, my wild spirit took over again and I decided to keep trying...

Then one fine day, last month, I finally got up close and personal with this beauty who almost posed for my clicks.

Here is the first one in a very picturesque frame, showing a bit of the natural habitat...

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My own click of Heart spotted woodpecker-2

Here is the second click - showing the hearts clearly

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My own click of Heart spotted woodpecker-3

and here is the last but not the least - a count my feathers click as the bird looks directly at me and poses...

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This success in my wildlife photography target photo proved that age is no bar and my heart and my wild spirit will always go on and on...

I am sure that I am not the only one that has had such musings and positive vibe experiences through a hobby. Therefore, I would love to hear from all friends in the #silverbloggers community such experiences. Please comment freely and let me know your own cherished moments with your hobbies.

Cheers everyone, Have a great day.

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