Grandparent stories contest entry: @thu172

Hello everyone, I'm very happy to join this meaningful contest which is organised by @galenkp. From here, I can share my love to a person who I respect most - my grandmother

My biggest idol is my grandmother. She was born in 1926, that's right, she is 95 years old now. My grandmother had gone through a lot of difficulties in her life. Before 1986, Vietnam had to go through two long wars and famine, but my grandmother overcame them and raised my mother and the elders uncles in the best possible conditions. She is a very kind person and always teaches me many lessons about love in life


When I was a child, my parents always had to work from morning to night very busy. My grandmother often took care me. She was a part of my wonderful childhood. At that time, she was over 80 but still did exercises,walked with me and taught me how to spell. I loved listening to her stories in the past - when she met my grandfather and got married, when my family were evacuated to another area because of the war. She has sacrificed a lot for my family


My grandmother was gentle and very kind. Her hair is pure white and her face hads aged with time. But for me, she is always the most beautiful woman in the world

Once when I was about 7 years old, I was very naughty and broke the flowerpot, I was afraid of being scolded and lied. My grandmother knew the truth but did not scold me, but gently advised me not to lie, to accept responsibility for everything I did. That impresses me to this day so I have to be honest all the time

My grandmother and my mother - two women who I love most

My grandmother influenced me a lot, taught me many lessons from book to life. She also taught me to save money, not to waste it. That is the key to a good life. If I had one wish, I would wish for people to be always alive in my life, but that is not possible. I know that one day my grandmother will go to The Creator, this will be a beautiful paradise

Finally, I would like to thank this interesting contest for helping me share about my dear grandmother. I just want to say to her: "Thank you so much for being my grandmother and teaching me to be a kind person". I'm certainly going to visit her today❤️

Thanks all of you for reading my post. Let's cherish everyone around us when they still survive! I'm so glad that you leave me a comment😁

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