Why Why Why Silver Bloggers


The older I get, the better I understand that every day is a gift.

Joel Osteen

Hello Hello silver bees of the hive!

Today is the 10th of March 2022 which means that it is the last day to enter the Blog of the Month from the wonderful Silver Bloggers community.

I was introduced to Silver Bloggers by the awesome @coquicoin who is now one of the moderators. It is quite apt that I am writing this blog to submit on the last day, as I do tend to be a proponent of the Just in Time philosophy, much to the chagrin of Eli. Sorry Silver Cat I promise not to do it again until the next time 🤣

Talking about Just in Time or JIT, do you know where the term originated from? I did learn about JIT whilst studying for my Knowledge Management masters at uni. JIT was actually coined to describe the manufacturing processes developed and used by Toyota in Japan in the 1950s for making their cars. However, the real credit should go to Henry Ford, but that is a story for another day.

I digress, let's call it a sign of age 🤣, after all that is the kindest thing to do!
Now, back to Why Silver Bloggers! Whilst on the subject of Age I passed that qualification requirement a few years ago.

Whenever I hear the word "why" I generally think of two things. Firstly the number 42, after all, The answer to the "Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything" is 42.

Some of you might get that, some well probably most, will think I am mad, and you are not far from the truth, but you can read more on 42 and the answer to everything here

The second thing that I generally think of is Why Why Why Delilah the song from Tom Jones the old Welsh crooner himself!

I am not really a Tom Jones fan, but it is an appropriate song as we are in the Silver Bloggers community after all.

Talking about Tom Jones, he is from Treforest a little village of 5,000 nestled in the Rhondda valley in South Wales. It is also where I lived when I attended University in Wales.


I have just recently celebrated my six monthiversary on Hive, but in reality it is only this year that I have started to use Hive.

To be honest, that is the time when I joined Silver Bloggers. Coincidence? I think not, this mad Scotsman does not really believe in coinkydinkys!

I am most definitely of the nature that if something is not fun, then I am out of there. So thank you thank you Silver Blogger Community!

I have been fortunate enough to have either worked or lived in or visited nigh on seventy countries on this planet that we are fortunate to call home. I inherited my wanderlust from my paternal great grandfather Sir Edward, and I just love exploring new cultures. I firmly believe that we are all equal and that boundaries should have long since vanished. My handle on the BBC site is World Citizen and I love the fact that we have active Silver Bloggers from all corners of the world 🌏

One of the beauties of platforms like this, is the ability to see places and lifestyles from different cultures. The members of Silver Bloggers in this regard, do not disappoint me!


“When did Youth ever thank Age for its wisdom?”

Margaret Deland

I have always been the type not to give two hoots what anybody thinks of me, and perhaps with the onset of these silvery hairs, I may have even become curmudgeonly!

Silver Bloggers has a wonderful Discord server and it was in here that the wonderful @fionasfavourites coined my SilverScot handle. The beauty of Silver Bloggers is that we have done it, we have been through the phases of life, we try to impart our wisdom onto others, if they don't want to take onboard that wisdom, then no sweat, no skin off our noses!

Yet another awesome thing about Silver Bloggers is the freely given advice. I said previously I have a Masters in Knowledge Management. We all have incredible amounts of tacit knowledge which other people don't know about. By helping people we turn our tacit knowledge explicit and impart onto someone. There are loads of SBers in Discord who love to help and answer any questions you have.

I love to help people and that is another reason why I am a Silver Blogger. Being a projects manager, listening. motivating and problem solving are my fortes. I can sit on a park bench in a foreign land, the next thing someone is sat beside me pouring out their life story. A wee while later and with some pearls of wisdom from yours truly, off they go with a smile on their face.

I am a Silver Blogger because I care.

Cryptocurrency is a field I have been involved in for a number of years, and it has given me quite a few material things. Next step is to pay for a narrow boat for the English canals. My two main ecosystems are smartBCH and the exploding COSMOS ecosystem. My Hive related coin experience is building up, and again it is the Silver Bloggers who mostly answer my questions. Although I don't see many SBers posting crypto blogs in SB, perhaps I shall do one or two soon?

I am not sure that I have really answered why I am a Silver Blogger at all in this blog! My bad!

However I believe that life is short and we need to seize every moment and have fun.

And fun is what I had writing this post, and fun is what I have in the Silver Bloggers community. I love to write and when it is a subject I want to write about, then I can go on and on, but I need to stop this blog now, as I have heaps more I could say.

Let me just finish by saying that I hope to entertain fellow Silver Bloggers as much as Silver Bloggers have entertained me!


All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman @TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated.

I can also be found at


Haste Ye Back!


PS Can you guess the country this coast is in?

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