This hasn't been easy - Fascinated by water droplets

This 30 day challenge that I took upon myself hasn't been easy, but nothing in life is easy. I had decided on the 1st of November to do one post every day for the month. Today is day 25 of my challenge and I have been faithfully posting everyday. Some days have been harder than others. The physical discomfort while sitting to type has at times come close to breaking my resolve. Just a few minutes ago I suddenly realized it is the 25th of November today and I have only five more days to go before I am done with this challenge.

Would I continue to do this in December, I am not sure. There is so much to do before Christmas and I may not have the time or the energy for it. Yet, I could consider doing one post every alternate day. Maybe that would give me the time to plan my work and also respond and interact with others in the community. This challenge has made it difficult for me to read and respond to other posts as much as I would have liked to do. In fact even responding to the comments on my posts has at times been really difficult.

Let me get to the second part of my title, I love taking photos of water droplets. It is never easy to get the right angle or the lighting to get the perfect shot. My shots are not perfect but I had fun. I believe having fun doing what you do makes life feel like a dream.
The pursuit of perfection has often been the major obstacle to having fun. I have been a perfectionist for a part of my life and I have never really enjoyed it. I got to my senses and decided to just continue doing what I love doing and let the results take care of themselves.

Practice makes perfect. The pursuit of perfection doesn't bring perfection but self-doubt and negativity at least fore me. I will let you be the judge of what I have placed before you today, perhaps you will have the right advice for me.

Yesterday morning there was a very fine drizzle which steadily progressed into a thunderstorm which wasn't to my liking. However, the fine drizzle gave me so many opportunities to get images of droplets. I feel that a couple of pictures from this bunch are different from what I have photographed earlier.

Some of the shots seem strange, almost artificial. The placement of the drops themselves, the sudden breakthrough of rays of light from the sky gave me windows of opportunities to get some shots right. These images were taken from my tiny balcony which is crowded with plants. I wasn't able to move around much to get the right angles for the shots but I did try my best.

Another shot of the first image

Some of these droplets remind me of frogs. I don't know if you see what I see, but I'd be happy if you let me know what you see. The first image I used in this post had to be taken a few times over. Sadly I had only a few minutes to do this before the droplets became rivulets.

Taken a few years ago. Another world inside a droplet

My fascination with rain drops came from a picture I took a few years ago. It looked like any other picture of a droplet at first but when I looked closely I saw the refection of leaves from a plant nearby. I sometimes wish I had a lens for such close range shots, but then I make do with what I have. Besides I can hardly carry my camera and the lenses around anymore because of my back condition.

It is also near impossible for me to sit on my heel and take photos or bend low to get the right angles. I just do what I can in my present condition. I grab the opportunities I get to take pictures at the level of my eye while standing and not having to do any gymnastics in the process.

There are opportunities everywhere, we only need to look around. Life is all about making the best of what you have. Crying about what isn't possible or what is not within our reach doesn't do us any good.

Are you fascinated by water? Do you enjoy the sound of water - a waterfall, the gurgling brook, meandering water flow, steady rain at night, just splashing of water somewhere close by? I find it so peaceful to listen to the sound of water. The only time I hate hearing the sound of water is when some opens a tap and lets the water go waste.

The roof of a house can be seen on the first droplet. Image from 2021

Like I mentioned in the beginning writing everyday hasn't been easy, taking good photographs haven't been easy either, but the truth is everything is possible. Everything is possible for him who believes says the scripture. I believe, I believe all things are possible. I think those who believe in themselves, those who are willing to push themselves further, those who are not willing to give up will make all things possible.

Image from 2020

I hope you liked these pictures that I took. Thank you for sparing your time to read my post and support me. I understand that your time is precious and I honestly appreciate the fact that you were willing to spend some of your time with me today. Have a lovely day and a great weekend!

All images used here are mine.

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