The Week That Was… Part 3

The Week That Was… Part 3

On Thursday last week, I rang Housing Trust maintenance.
It’s now Wednesday and still no contact from a plumber.

Thank goodness it’s not an emergency!
But I know that they’d normally have a plumber out the same day if it was a major leak. Last time I rang them it took 4 days! for the plumber to turn up.

Tomorrow it will be 8 days…

Tonight I went to my favourite Vietnamese restaurant for dinner.

I had deep fried Chinese style Dim Sims and their Combination Laksa with a 600ml bottle of Lime Coke No Sugar.

Deep fried Dim Sims

Combination Laksa


During the week I’ve been going through all of the information gathered at the Jobs and Career Expo a few weeks ago, discarding that which doesn’t really apply or interest me and applying for everything else jobwise.

I also had a few coworker from my current jobs mention companies looking for people to work at the same locations but in different roles for different company.

I’ve applied for a few already. Writing cover letters is not my favourite thing in the world.

Outside of that I’ve been ramping up my activity on Hive using different frontends.

Ecency Waves

Ecency is the main frontend I use to create content. In fact, I’m using it to type this with my thumbs on my phone. I can use it anywhere that has internet access.

Ecency Waves is exclusive to Ecency and it’s a cross between Twitter and Instagram.
I can post a photo with a 250 character post and get upvotes for it. I can do this a few times a day without annoying anyone.


3Speak allows me to record a video and upload it from the one device. This allows me to record on the go, edit the video, create a thumbnail and upload it where hopefully it will be seen and upvoted by real people other than bots.


Inleo is more of a blogging form of frontend that not only pays me in Hive / HBD but also pays me in Leo tokens.

I currently have an article halfway through being written on Inleo that will take some time to compile, but I hope will get read by a lot of people. I also want the information in the one location so it can be shared or printed by anyone but mainly so that I can see it when or if I need it.

The drawback is that it’s browser based, not a mobile app.
The other frontends mentioned in this post are mobile friendly.


Ecency is my primary frontend because of the access to Ecency Waves, also because of the notifications, and easy blog posting.

I’m typing this using Ecency now.


PeakD is a front end that gives me a whole heap of analytics as to my activities on the other platforms.

I also use the wallet as a way to power up Hive, save HBD or swap between the two in the markets.

Hive Engine

Hive Engine allows me to buy or sell various tokens and stake them. My main focus is on the mining tokens that produce other tokens and swap coins so that I can invest in Bitcoin without worrying about the exchanges and dealing with capital gains tax until have to sell the resulting Hive.

I’m saving the Hive for my eventual retirement or at least emergency rent payments!


As for entertainment, I’ve already bought my ticket to see Deadpool vs Wolverine. I am hoping that it’s as good as the advertising has been.

I’m also considering attending the Oz Comic-Con in Adelaide this year. For the most part, these conventions no longer interest me, but I know that friends will be there.

And it’s been a while since Pat Tallman was here.
I saw her at the first attempt at one of these conventions in Adelaide.

She used to be a stuntwoman in nearly every Star Trek show, and starred in a lot of horror movies in the 80’s and 90’s.

It’s not a cheap experience though and I’ll have to decide soon.

For now I am going back to my job search, listening to audiobooks at the same time.

Thank you for reading.

Until next time, insist on being treated with dignity and respect and treat others the same.


All content, including photos and text, are produced by myself except where indicated otherwise and sources are always qsupplied. I do not use A.I. so your upvotes support a genuine human being producing original material.

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