The Most Dangerous Man

The Most Dangerous Man

I don't consider myself a dangerous man.

Before losing approximately 27kg or 60lbs (round numbers for our purposes), I was fat and unfit and there was no real upper body strength to speak of.

While having a background in martial arts, it was only enough to read body language and keep my distance from trouble.

Bruce Lee died a few months before I was born, but I am far from the gung ho, kung fu fist fighter that most people would associate with being dangerous. Much to my chagrin, I am not his reincarnation, but I often wished that I was.

Weapons look cool, but I also know that they can be turned on the wielder, if one becomes arrogant or cocky when encountering someone with superior training. My training level was far from effectual even back then and I am rusty now.

My social media platforms do not have millions of followers, or eyeballs absorbing my points of view so I don't have power or influence on any scale at could be considered dangerous.

I am not a multi millionaire, nor do I belong to any political party and I don't really adhere to "sides" of politics, although some have said I was left wing, but it's only because I now prefer science and rational thinking and it runs parallel with that side of politics, well mostly.

My views and opinions can vary quite a lot.
I've been a Jehovah's Witness, born-again Christian, Wiccan for a week), Amway distributor, conspiracy theorist, Buddhist, Muslim, Steem enthusiast and even a contractor for Splinterlands. You get the idea.

I'm sure you have your own list of ideas, ideologies and ego based self labels that you have once applied to yourself but that no longer apply.

As I no longer hold these beliefs, ideas, or positions, it makes me an apostate to those who still adhere to them. I am also, for the most part, immune to going back to those ways of thinking. But it's naive to that I won't pick up new ideologies, etc. in the future.

While I held each if these views, I couldn't understand how anyone outside of them couldn't see the value that each of them held. It felt like I had the inside edge, the upper hand, and advantage just by holding a certain view and that everyone else was "sheeple". Sound familiar?

As I learn more about the world, and try to get out of the habit of wearing labels or adhering to any particular ideology, I can see that a lot of what we idealise is build on false promises.

But I also see them as survival mechanisms in an ever changing and uncertain world. It's important to not demonise individuals over their views and opinions, but the views and opinions should be open to being questioned.

I live in a world where just asking the question "Why?" will paint you as an outsider. If you say "Opinions are not facts" you will be called an asshole on Twitter.

Often those who call themselves "truth seekers" do not seek the truth, they want to be told what to think.

And the words "Real" or "Truth" associated with various media sources are now red flags to me that they are anything but real fact or the truth.

I know that just saying this will upset those that invest their entire identities into this stuff as I once did, but in a society that is becoming sicker and more mentally ill, we need to let go of old ideas that are no longer beneficial in the modern world.

I am an apostate of ideas, and to those who still hold those ideas I am seen as the most dangerous man.

The idea, like all ideas, is laughable

Thank you for reading.


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