Levelling Up Part 2.

Levelling Up Part 2

Reflections On Intent

As a follow up to my previous post, I thought I would do a deeper dive into levelling up. This may turn into an ongoing series, I just haven’t decided yet.

Before we can really “level up”, it’s important to know what our intentions are. What are our over all goals?
What, if anything, is holding us back from achieving those goals? Are they just mental fears? Social constraints / norms?
Is it a lack of resources like money, tools, supplies, or some physical object?

Ask within your network of friends, family and coworkers to see if they can source these resources either for free or cheaply.

Incremental Improvements

Every time you try something new, whether you fail or not, you learn something and it’s important to acknowledge these micro improvements. They are going to add up over time.

While working for the ticket selling company I was taught how to upgrade Member tickets during the week, and just yesterday I was taught how to sell theatre tickets based on the price range.

By the way, the Tina Turner tribute show is apparently excellent according to a few patrons and a staff member who had seen it previously.

I managed to get the 3Speak app to link to the Hive Keychain app, record a video, edit it and upload it all while using the limited WIFI of a local supermarket.

I've also been listening to audiobooks, streamed from my iPad to my hearing aids via the bluetooth. Finance books mostly. I'd previously just been listening to podcasts.

I learned how to spot rosemarie, a herb the chefs use in the kitchen, in the nearby carpark.

Today during a kitchen hand shift, I was taught how to crumb and fry chicken schnitzels and also how to make parmigiana topping too.

I asked a coworker where I should be applying for pub work and she mentioned that there were companies that owned a few pubs and to contact them directly and see what they have available.

I'm also going to bring my resume to a job fair this weekend. Coincidentally, one of the women who used to train me in various courses years ago.

Future Growth

I have no idea what I'll learn tomorrow or the rest of the week, but I am eagerly looking forward to it.

I am still weighing up the cost of further work related training versus the potential of the course paying for itself in the short term, when I know that investing in improving myself is the best investment.

The more barriers to employment I remove, the more options I have available.

Thank you for reading.

Until next time, insist on being treated with dignity and respect and treat others the same.


All content, including photos and text, are produced by myself except where indicated otherwise and sources are always qsupplied. I do not use A.I. so your upvotes support a genuine human being producing original material.

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