Late Night Thoughts #1

Late Night Thoughts #1

My current schedule doesn’t really leave much time to create the kind content that I want to, but I guess it’s not really a matter of time but rather mental focus.

I know that as I unwind for bed, ignoring the insane Woody Woodpecker style lauging, farting and belching coming from a neighbour after midnight, I do have a few moments to put a few stray thoughts down on my iPad.

While I am not out of the woods financially speaking, work has started to pick up and I am starting to grind again.
I am not complaining at all as it’s currently necessary to put me in a better position in the future.

My schedule takes some coordinating and despite the fancy technological devices and the apps contained within them, I have gone back to using pen and paper make sure that I am not double booking myself.
I’ve had to cancel two shifts last week because of this. The jobs that pay more and have longer hours take priority, at least until I can land a permanent, full time job which will take the highest priority.

Never let anyone sow discontent in your mind regarding a 9 - 5 job, it’s often a red flag for scams.
Despite what people think, you cannot beat a consistent, predictable income. It’s easier to budget with,
you have more consumer confidence, can save money regularly and you’re much more likely to get a loan or a mortgage when and if you need it.

The call centre job I had last year would have been ideal, at least on the surface. AU$56,000 a year, central location, train in and out of the city, relatively easy job. Going deeper, it was rather cult-like and it was giving me anxiety attacks so I put my health first and left. For those that warned me before I started there, you know who you are, I thank you.
I couldn’t see any other option though.

In contrast, casual work is sporadic, shifts and be cancelled and the hours can be cut if you do too good of a job.
My last post highlighted the various employers that I am working for and the work that I am doing. I’m still going backwards financially, but I am starting to apply for full time jobs locally.

I really want to work in my local post office if possible. It’s a decent training payrate and it won’t cost me anything in transport. It’s pure profit, plus I like talking to people and I have computer skills. It’s three months training in the meantime so even if they don’t take me on full time, I’ll have saved up enough money in the mean time to be able to pivot into something else.

I’ll have more to say on this next time, but for now I really need to get some sleep.
I managed to organise two shifts tomorrow. It should be interesting.

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,


All content, including photos and text, are produced by myself except where indicated otherwise and sources are always supplied. I do not use A.I. so your upvotes support a genuine human being producing original.

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