Under the knife

For the sake of football


I used to play football long time back and always had a wish to play again. After coming to my native, I found out kids playing out football, so I decided to join them. Getting a field nearby in a city is quite difficult, so I thought, I would be able to fulfill my wish again. Everything was going fine, till I got an injury in the leg. Earlier, when we used to play professional football, we used to use lot of precaution, by using guards etc. Since this was just a fun football, I never thought, it would hurt me so bad. So I tried to do the treatment myself - apply ice packs, apply some analgesic for 7 days. And after a week, I was ready and went back to the fields. But again it got hurt at the same place and this time, I started feeling that it was not completely healed.

So pause for few days and started consulting a doctor friend, who advised to show it to a surgeon. For the first time, I went to the nearby government hospital, since there is no better private facility available here, having a surgeon. I have a friend who does have his own pharma business, and after a long time, I called him. I was truly delighted with his response - he advised me to come to his home and then he stopped all his work and took me to the hospital. He personally knows most of the doctors and everyone in the surgery department, because he deals with medicines mostly for surgery. He did all the paper work, took straight to a surgeon who advised for a surgery after an X-ray. The X-ray was good to find, there was no injury to the bone. So the doctor decided to go for a surgery.

He initially thought it to be a Hematoma but post surgery he was telling it was a Seroma and a surgery was needed. After few decades, I was in the hospital and feeling nervous, but my friend was really helpful to give the mental support. These are the moments, we remember and feel the value of friendship. In cities, now a days, people next door even do not recognize us. Come to the villages, you will have a entire different experience - the value of togetherness, to share and care.

The government hospital has definitely improved a lot. They are now even having a help desk to help people. I inquired a bit about what they do and they said, they provide all possible assistance they could. Even sometimes, few people come without anyone with them, and they take care to make sure, they get proper treatment. Unfortunately it's our people who litter these public facilities even after putting boards in clear writing. We definitely need to be better citizens and try to maintain these facilities.

I really liked the attitude of the doctors. They advise minimal tests and do not have a mind set to loot you, unlike the private hospitals. Go to a private hospital, they will write a story of tests to be done, in which we will have to spend lot of money. But little do we realize about the value of these doctors - in rural areas, in some extreme situations, people even blame them sometimes and beat them. I wish, things change and people give them all respect and maintain such facilities.












The surgery was done in this Operation theater. My friend was all along with me and they did the surgery under local anesthesia. Put a gauge deep inside the cut, so that it fetches all the fluids and heals from inside. Today is 3rd day and seems, its getting better. On day 1, it was a mix of blood and serum but on day two, it was mostly fluids. Today I was seeing it myself - a bit difficult, but it hurts when the put that gauge inside.






And the football, I recently bought from decatholon and gave it the team - hoping to be on the field soon. My mother still scolds me for doing all this 😀

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