RE: What's better than Financial Freedom?

This financial efficiency you speak of... I am in for doing more in that area. eg: trying to mix up my grocery shopping as there are shops I can use that stock what I need at better prices!!! And they do fuel at cheaper rates too so.... two birds and all that !LOLZ... I also need to review our insurances again in the coming months and shop around to see if we can get better quotes on house and car insurance etc...and I am trying to instill a saving mentality with my kids too... I couldn't quite remember what split you said you guys used... could you let me know again please hehe... I have a general idea... which is sensible enough but would love to be reminded of the split and the rationale behind coming to those percentages. Hope you're having a fantabulous time!!! Make the most of the last few days! Love you! 💗 !LUV !ALIVE !hivebits

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