We May Have Sold the House Already!

Can someone hand me the anchor? As my boat is drifting away... wait... let me just SQUEEEEAAAALLLL.

As you might know, we had plans to move to Tassie.

As in, yep, we're looking for a place, and we're planning to move there in a year, if things all line up. We thought we'd have to do a bit of work on the house to get it ready to sell, find a job in Tassie, organise our finances and so on.

And then Dad rang and said he'd found someone to buy our house, and he'd bring them over in an hour.

What. The. Actual. Fuck. The house was a mess! I have never cleaned so fast in my life. Both beds made, bathrooms wiped down, kitchen mopped, house vacuumed, and basically anything else shoved in cupboards, like a teenager would throw things under the bed.

The short story is that they loved it, wanted to buy it, and move in asap. We're talking before Christmas. That means that somehow we have to pack up and find somewhere to live super fast, with no house lined up in Tassie and no job as yet. This is terrifying! And what do we do with the bees? The chickens? The harvest? The cars? Our whole lives? And we did really, really love this place.


But, we asked for adventure and here is is! In the next week we'll get a couple of valuations from real estate agents and see what we can get, and give them a price. We'd save so much in real estate agent fees, and as they like the house, we don't actually have to do anything with it.

There IS a house we love in Tassie, and we've been wondering if we can afford it. They're selling super fast down there, so we may have to move fast on an offer. And the husband emailed a heap of schools last night and already may have a job lined up. We didn't really want another mortgage, but might have to add an extra 100k to get the house of our dreams rather than something 'less than' that we have to do up and waste our lives renovating again. A small mortgage is do-able, and if it's a nice place in a nice area we won't have any trouble finding someone to air bnb it for the extra cash.


Honestly, we didn't expect things to move so fast and my heart is breaking leaving this garden, but life awaits.

Bring it on!!

With Love,


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