RE: How Has The Pandemic Changed My Future Plans?

Sadly over the years the new music has replaced the old original stuff and cover versions are not the real thing. I would rather listen to a real guitar riff than an electronic idea of a guitar riff.

We face the same problem here as many refurse to get vaccinated and we will never reach herd immunity. Conspiracy theorists are having the times of their lives and they grab the limelight at every opportunity trying to beat each other on line.

Agreed with you about the friend count, as my wife is my best friend and we work together 24/7 in the charity world with Papillon for the past 20 years. So there's not much space for a large friend count.
We have also been bitten by a few "friends" over time and who has time for that?

Great that you are using your time wisely and maybe we will see you in South Africa some time in the future. One never knows.

It is only kindness that will heal this world and my pleasure.

Have a !BEER

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