Now this is real happiness.

I have to post early as we have a power cut at 5pm, 1.5 hours away.
We are dismantling our garden in preparation for a move and this Gecko jumped onto Marian's arm.

The new Stage 4 declaration means that we will now have 4 power cuts per day, for the rest of this week. Bad news as we are already struggling with two cuts and the lack of electricity is playing havoc with our economy.
In any case, let me show you some more of Marian's happy occasion.
Come and look.

See what I mean about true happiness?
She was ecstatic with this brave little guy, not knowing that he was desperate as we moved a trellis and he wanted to get back to it.



But of course, she put him down when he walked down on to her hand and he scurried off in such a hurry that I couldn't get a shot of him.

Meanwhile, the squirrels were also very busy in the garden at the same time, worried that we would uproot the nuts that they buried.
Hard and thirsty work for the squirrels to dig up their nuts and to bury them elsewhere where we were not busy:)

What can I say? A lack of electricity is not nice in good weather, and now that Winter is creeping in it is going to be cold and bad for us. We have many hungry souls in the townships and a big danger is that without electricity in the shacks, they use candles. And if the candles are not constantly watched, they fall over and burn the shacks down. Yesterday, we had a family of five that died when their shack burnt down.
At times, when a shack is on fire, the fire spreads to the other shacks and it can burn half of a township down with the residents losing everything.
So, we face many struggles, but thankfully Mother nature keeps us happy.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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