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Nature photography is my hobby,

Here is something very special today.

A dragonfly with it's prey. Not everyday that one can see this, but Mother nature was very happy to see us on this lovely Sunday. So she decided to show me this rare event.
I had to be very careful with this one as the slightest movement and he would be gone. Even your shadow movement over them scares them away.
So come and have a look at how he eats.

This was when I first saw him and you can see that he has a bug in his mouth.
He is a male "Elusive Skimmer" (Orhetrum rubens).

Now I had to ghost around to get him from the front without disturbing his Sunday lunch feast.

Sadly I could see the eyes of the bug that he was eating, but the sun was too sharp to identify it.

And then he was done and it also looked like he was looking up at me, so as if to say, how was that mate?

Just a tiny little butterfly here to end the post.

Do you also find that things have become more hectic lately? Constant business with minimal results and at times we are running around like headless chickens. Every here and there something good occurs, but then it's just back to the slog again.
That's why we have the gift of nature. It waits for us and as soon as we step into it, then the magic starts to happen.

Without realizing it, our thought patterns automatically change and all of our struggles and strivings are temporarily changed to wonderment. A place where truth and the beauty of life invades our minds and bonds with our souls.
As I write this, I can again feel that excitement that I felt when I got this dragonfly with his lunch.
Nature looks after her own, just as this world is looking after it's own and I am happy that I am just journeying through it all.

I hope that you have enjoyed the post.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX60HS Bridge camera.

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