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A mix of colors in sharp sunlight.

From a distance it is all a haze but come and look at the magic closer up.

I could not make up my mind to show only the mountains or only the other creations, so in here I will show you both.

A hot and blazing African sun is not to be trifled with, as one can easily get sunstroke just standing around unprotected. Yet it is in this same sun that we see people lying around on the beaches to get suntans.
Any case I am not to show you any beaches here, but rather some delectable colors conjured up by the sunlight. And no, I was not exposed as I sought out the shade of trees at every opportunity.
Come and see.

These mountains have been standing for centuries exposed to the sun and the rocks get so hot that one can fry an egg on them.


And now for lovely colors of a different kind.



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Yes it was very hot, leaning towards the early 30Cs and just imagine how scorching hot it gets further inland where people have to struggle in the late 40Cs.




Thankfully most times after the heat some rain will arrive to cool things down a bit.

Now as we enter the African summer again, we are preparing our cooling equipment, the same as we prepare our woolies for winter. Ice blocks, fans and air condition sales are mooning again and it's the normal appearance of sales and bargain offerings at the shops again.
It's amazing how each season has its own circuits of preparation and sales that are repeated every year. Come Spring season for example, then all of the shops will have sales of their unsold winter stock. Visa versa as when winter is approaching, all of the unsold summer stock will go on sale.
My mom used to buy her Christmas goods in July.
Just the human merry go round methinks.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

CAMERA: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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