A day of beauty.

Oh yes, it was a lovely and bright morning in the sun.

The early morning vineyard cleaners went out on their cleaning shift. A squad of wild Guinea Fowls that Mother nature feeds.

I will show you some beautiful sights in here on a bright sunny morning.
We love coming out to this wine farm as this one runs right up to the mountains and there is a world of wildlife in the place. I can only imagine what it would be like to live in the houses beyond the vineyard in the first picture. Unfortunately, it will never happen for us as the homes are way too expensive for us. But nothing prevents us from showing you the beauty that can be seen all over both big and small.
Come and look.

Here below the cleaning staff were gathering for their shift before they went out into the vineyard. They are all independent volunteers.

A lovely open air restaurant with a mountain at the back.

And now, for the small beauties.





Not too bad is it?
The best thing is to sit for coffee at the open air restaurant and to ponder life and what it is that we do and think about life. The beauty of the scenes plays a background in one's thoughts and we can only wonder what went wrong in this world. Grumpy souls abound and one has to be very careful nowadays in what you say and do, as critics are hiding behind every bush. Not constructive criticism, but rather to try and shoot one down.

One only has to look at the popular social sights to see a wheelbarrow full of arguments and snide remarks. This is one of the reasons why I stopped visiting the social media sights. Most of the arguments are total rubbish and not worth spending any thoughts on.
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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