My memory of Sultan is associated with the smell of cow dung

Pictures of cows in my cowshed

MEMORIES OF AROMAS is the new topic for the month of August of the #silverbloggers community.

You must be surprised by the title of my blog. How the smell of the cow brings back my memories. Actually the story is not something, the story is about those who have cows at home or who are farmers. If they have a cowshed or chicken farm in their house. A kind of smell comes out from there. A smell that is intolerable to humans, though it is intolerable, is not intolerable to those who have herds of cows and chicken farms at home. They are used to these animals so the smell is not unbearable to them. Just one such incident I am going to share with you is when the scent of the cowshed hit my nose I remembered a calf.

Now I want to share my main story with you. A few years ago there was a cow in our cowshed. That cow was a cow. Every year that cow gave birth to one baby. A few years ago today, a baby did just that. I named the child Sultan. The calf looks very beautiful. When the cow moves when it is young, it jumps and jumps. This scene is very beautiful. And the cow was my family's favorite cow.

The main event is that we lost the cow and how it was lost I will present to you in the story.

There is a rule in our rural environment. Cows are sold after rearing them for one or two years in the cow shed. From there poor people like us earn some money. According to our formula like every year when a calf is reared for one year then we sell that calf in the market and earn money from it. Compared to every other year, my father sold the cow exactly that year. I had immense love for him in one year. I used to pick him up and feed him and bring grass from the field to feed the calf. I had a mutual love for him.

Pictures of cows in my cowshed

When I left the house I used to look at the cowshed to see if my cow was alright. Although I named him Sultan. He used to run to me when called Sultan. That's why I liked the cow. Ever since the sale I was feeling tired and missing Sultan a lot. I will refer to him as Sultan in the story. When I miss Sultan, the smell of cows wafts from the cowshed to my nose. And when cows pass their faeces, a scent comes out. This scent is familiar to most of the people in the village. Not everyone can tolerate this scent. When this scent hits my nose I am reminded of Sultan.

Not only from my home, but when I walk on the streets. Many households in rural areas have cow sheds. The exact same scent comes from there. And then I remembered Sultan. That's why I present this story to you today. The smell of the cow shed reminds me of Sultan and hence the title of my blog. 😁😁😁

You may find this funny. But it's not funny to me. Everyone is kind to the Sultan. Sultan's love for me too. I loved him very much and cared for him and fed him. When Sulatdan was sick, I used to visit the doctor for medical advice. I miss him so much because I cared for him. If you have such love for any pet, share it with us. We look forward to reading your writing.

Pictures of cows in my cowshed

In your community I participated in the contest by writing a story presented with my farm animals. I hope you will like my story. See you again later. Everyone will be fine and healthy. Assalamu Alaikum.

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