Post Tags - The Secret To Stacking Hive Engine Tokens Passively

I think I should start by saying there are tokens I have a lot of it but never bought myself...

Or maybe I should start by saying I got my present mobile phone from selling a token I got while I was busy trying to grow my Hive power...

Anything I could say to get you using these tags on your posts too but then, I can't add lies too... Those maybes are true, well the only truths I have to convince you haha.

How much do you know about the power & passiveness of post tags?

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When I first joined Hive, I was so focused on growing my Hive power but my onboarder made me use some tags I didn't know their functions, I kept using them as he said they were general tags and could fit into any content of mine. I came across a few posts later that made me find my Hive engine walker and I was surprised to see that I had so much of some tokens I had been using their tags.

It feels more better when you experience such for yourself, you only had to use a few particular tags on your posts and you stack up tokens while your Hive power to grow your curation rewards is growing as well. I find this to be one easy and fun way to earn on the blockchain, it's rather very passive except that you'll have to actively use the supposed tags to earn them.

What post tags are there to earn you some money passively?

There are a lot of them, I bet I'm yet to start using some seeing that I recently learnt about a tag to use on all my posts and earn one of the good engine token. So there are many of them but I'll share the lots I know, thankfully I know up to eight of them and that alone will take so much of your tags space so I'll suggest to anyone what I do, I use the most important from all of them.

All of them are important and they will earn you money passively but like in any business, you go for what earn more money and so you should go for the tags that will provide your tokens that have mode values than the others. You can decide that yourself I think, so here are some post tags you can use to earn passively on the blockchain.

#proofofbrain or #pob, #vyb, #pimp, #neoxian, #airhawk-project, #hive-engine

They are all general post tags to earn Hive engine tokens, they fit into any post you share on Hive. No rules to them and you get to earn these when Hive users who have them staked vote on your posts. Yes, you also get to earn them when you vote on users who used the tags on their posts as well.

I make use of all of them, although I'm yet to get use to adding the #airhawk-project tag on my post or maybe I'm yet to let go of a tag space for it 😅 I will find a way on that. I staked a lot of my #pob tokens and got a huge airdrop of #vyb when it was first launched and that was how I got a new phone last year, tell me why I won't give a part of my focus on my Hive engine tokens and ways to earn them.

I recently found out about #hive-engine tag and it happens to be a very rich post tag to use on your post as it pays you Bee tokens when people with staked Bee vote on your well tagged post. There's no guarantee that every post you use these tags on will fetch you all the tokens but why not test your lucks with all of them at once? Haha.

#leofinance or #leo, #waivio, #ctp

These post tags have a rule and that is "Only for finance related contents" so you don't get to use them often like the general tags. It's cool that way as you can't use all the tags in a post after all due to the limit of tag space provided. So when you write finance related content, don't skip using these tags as they will help you stack up some Hive engine tokens that are worth something.

I want to guess that the #leo tag is a very popular one, it has a frontend too but you can only post directly to the Leofinance community when you do that and that is why you will take advantage of the tag provided and earn some Leo token alongside your Hive and HBD. #waivio is a rich tag and #ctp is another popular tag, your market post where you spent money can use these tags too.

I know I didn't share all the valid post tags but these ones will definitely earn you something if you have it as a habit to always use them in the appropriate posts. Of course, you should do more research on them before using and I'll keep exploring more tags to find new ones that may be more promising. Until then, I'll earn the much I can from these tokens.

What do you say about what you've just read? Are they new to you or you've known about them but rarely use them?


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