The Party that was Not Meant to be!

Why does it take a loss to realize just how precious a loved one is, and how empty life becomes when they're no longer there?
Three heart stones I picked up on Sheffield beach, an 'angel' from a Cape Town beach picked up by my special Ange, and Arthur's fish, painted by Mandy.
Another first has just passed - this day last year we celebrated my big milestone.

I now understand grief more than ever before; it never goes away. You think you've conquered it, but sometimes the most insignificant thing makes one crumble and fall to pieces again.
You merely learn to deal with it, no more, no less.

I planned a special meetup with ex-work buddies, who have become 'forever friends'. Three of us are Geminis, two hitting big milestones - 50, and 60, while I reached my big 7 last year, now one year older!
Our little 'party' fell to pieces because of a taxi blockade on major routes, clearly politically instigated. We go to the polling booths in five days!

Friends are angels, and they take me under their wings, time and time again; each in their own way

Dear friends, who live some forty minutes away, risked taking to the roads to brighten up my day, but took all the back roads and made it here and back home safely.
Thank you @artywink and Pete for making my day special <3

Another very dear friend thankfully does live just around the corner and brought some cheer in the afternoon. We ended up sharing some deep stuff which lightened a load off both our shoulders.

After this visit, I realized things, sometimes, happen for a reason. The party was not meant to be.

A good day all in all, but at the end of the day, it is just me and the empty room.

Oh, before I forget, to end on a lighter note, there will be a party of a different kind happening here tomorrow, a bridal shower, followed by...horror of horrors for any BnB owner, a bachelorette...but it's family, so I've made an exception! Preps were done today by the bride's two besties, and I'll give you a little peep.


I think, or rather know, tomorrow will be a very different kind of party; a young bride whose journey with her loved one is only just beginning!

Wish me luck;)

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