Never have a day off ever again?

The questions posed by @ericvancewalton for this week’s Memoir Monday:
In your opinion, when is the right time to retire?...

drew an immediate response from me:


Big sigh...that's just a hay dream, because once health challenges creep in, I would have to say,

The time has come to close shop.

This thing called Life can be wonderful, filled with challenges, and solutions, which I still want to be a part of.

I was one of the 1953 babies who reached my sell-by-date in 2016, not impressed!

I was one of those who were forced to retire at the end of our 63rd birthday months. Our 'pension fund' tried to prepare a fairly large group of us for the day called retirement, and we had a questions and answers session. It was a pension fund, not a provident fund, so a fixed income with annual increases and a 13th cheque is assured. We get a 14th cheque, mostly mid-year, but sometimes earlier. I wondered how they managed to do this, but had an inkling so asked a question that sounded gloomy, but really was part of a fact-finding mission:

What happens to the money I've paid over the years if my husband and I were killed in an accident the day after I retire?

The money goes back into the fund, not into your estate unless your children are still dependent on you.

Aha, that's where the 14th cheques come from, members who die at a young age!

I was shocked and decided to take a bigger lump sum and go for a smaller monthly pension, and chose to put that money to good use! Hubby was getting a very good monthly pension, which now is paid to me following his passing.

I was not impressed with having to retire as I was happy in my job. I however had a jolly farewell party, with all of my favourite work colleagues from other departments joining in.

The words from my special buddies touched my heart, and confirmed that I had made the right decision in not retiring yet. Hubby and I could still play a role in making a positive impact on the lives of many of the guests who booked into our Airbnb Lily's Cottage which was born some six months before I retired. I ended up having two jobs during that period, as it took up quite a bit of time setting it up, but has been so worth it.

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This second career 'post-retirement' has been the best decision ever as both my late hubby and I had/have a natural rapport with people.

To answer Eric's question, I feel we should continue working, as long as it's something you enjoy, while still healthy, as I do believe it gives one a sense of belonging to the real world.

It just doesn't make sense to enforce retirement because one has reached a certain age. In fact, older employees are way more valuable than the younger brigade. They not only have the experience and knowledge but also don't have the interruptions that come with having a young family.

One of my old bosses is a land surveyor who at the grand old age of 96, still does some of the calculations for his family practice. A real legend!

I've found the ideal solution in not having to retire early by running my own little BnB. I can take time off for jaunts in the countryside, or breakaways, as and when I want. My 'weekend' may be in the middle of the week, my pension is supplemented with the BnB income, I meet wonderful people, and am able to maintain and improve our large property.

I'm blessed beyond words, it really is the best of both worlds.

One of my work colleagues wrote -

The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off!

So tell me, is that what you really want?

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