A Sad Goodbye at the End of the Road

There's something kind of elating when getting into one's car, seatbelt fastened, and you're sitting behind that steering wheel, ready for the journey!


It gets even better when on a joyride, and your favourite people are with you. The sun is out with a blue, blue sky, and gorgeous cottonwool clouds. Your friend with the vivid imagination starts seeing shapes in the clouds that resemble animals, or faces and tells everyone to do the same.


Your favourite music may come on, and you're humming or singing at the top of your voice, just loving and savouring the company and the journey.

Or you may just enjoy chit-chattering and taking in the ever-changing scenery, enjoying every moment of life, in the here and now!


Quote by Henry Thoreau

As you drive, the scenery changes; farmlands where the farmer has been tilling the soil in preparation for the planting season, the ever-changing road, uphills, downhills, and twisting through the countryside.



There's smoke up ahead, and as you get closer, you see a fire burning alongside the road, ravaging young trees.


Dark storm clouds appear and the journey becomes a tad perilous when the rain starts pelting down, just a little at first, but then comes down in buckets!


How much further before you reach your destination?
The chitter-chatter has stopped, and everyone becomes a little anxious as mist appears, obscuring the road, and other vehicles ahead.


At least the rain will stop the fire you saw way back, but the intensity of the rain is sure to cause damage! You come to a halt when you see the collapsed road in front of you, plus there's a ton of mud across the road, blocking the way. You have to make a U-Turn and take an alternative route.


You push ahead, wanting to reach your destination before nightfall, and finally, the rain stops.

That U-turn you were forced to take, shows you some amazing sights, the sun is shining through the avenue of trees, and everyone's spirits start lifting.


A gorgeous sunset greets you as you reach your final destination.
You made it!


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The trip above reminded me of the difficult journey our dear @fionasfavourites has been traveling on, since April with her husband's illness.

There were good days, full of hope, and then some very trying days, where all seemed lost.

While her husband fought valiantly, Fiona drove the long trip to the hospital and back at great cost; physically, mentally, and also financially.


Sadly Fiona had to say her final goodbyes just two days ago.

I have spoken to the Silver Bloggers team, Silver Cat, Silver Scot, Silver Fish, and our friend Sterling Silver, all of who send their heartfelt condolences, love and prayers to you Fiona, and I'm sure all our #silverbloggers, and many in the Hive Community who know you, echo those sentiments.

Dearest Silver Flower, even though your Tom no longer is beside you, and indeed has reached his final destination, his light will never fade as he lives on in your heart and those whose lives he touched.


Fiona, we know you are in the midst of a storm right now, so take your time, but we look forward to seeing your light shining here on Hive again when you're ready, and, of course, have the time.

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Original Content by @lizelle
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Please note
Some very kind folk wanting to lend a helping hand, tipped the post.
I've transferred it to Fiona's wallet.
If you'd like to help, rather send directly to @fionasfavourites wallet.
I however will keep an eye on mine and transfer any further tips to Fiona.
Thank you one and all, you are simply the best!

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