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A Bakkie & a very Blue Monday

I always thought Blue Mondays only happen to those still working in full-time jobs, but they've been hounding me for the past couple of weeks already!
Why I have no idea.
I've been a good little old gal, and done my little bit to keep on the straight and narrow, but when things go wrong, they REALLY go wrong!

The Bakkie

It all started with what looked like a van in the dark, or as we call it, a bakkie that was abandoned on our pristine verge on Sunday night.

We were expecting new guests, so I glanced at the security cameras now and then when I saw car lights in the road and a van parked on our verge.

Thinking it's the new guests, but at the same time wondering why they stopped in the road and not by the gate, I stepped out the door.
Obviously, the culprit was startled and immediately lifted his bonnet and asked if he could leave it there till morning as he lives in the complex at the end of the road and would not be able to jumpstart it. I was still asking hubby if it would be ok and he was gone, like a thief in the night!

The van was still there in the morning and on inspection, we saw wires hanging and parts missing plus scrapyard markings on the windows.
It really was just a piece of scrap-on-wheels dumped on our verge, and we were not happy at all; this had obviously been towed there as it was clear this van was not driveable!

Traffic Fine

Hubby had to drop the son off at the airport for a very early flight.
He has not been able to renew his vehicle license because it's way too risky for him as a diabetic to stand in those long queues with Covid around; the online system works wonderfully for a Gauteng vehicle, but not here in Kwazulu Natal!
Silver-Blond Lizzie warned him to use the son's car, but men do not listen to a woman who is always right ;)

Of course, you can guess what happened next on a Blue Monday?
Yep, as he stopped at the airport drop-off zone, a police officer checked his license disc and promptly gave him a traffic fine.
He was not in a good frame of mind when he got back home as he had visited various outlets attempting to renew his vehicle license but the long queues chased him back home each time and to make matters worse, the crap scrap-on-wheels was still there!

Beeeg mistake by Silver-Blond Lizzie

I sent photos showing the registration and long expired license disc of this scrap vehicle to our neighbourhood watch WhatsApp group early Monday asking if anyone knew who this shell of a bakkie belonged to, but not a word from anyone except the security company advising they had reported it to Metro Police, and then deadly silence.
We also reported it and got all excited when a Metro police van stopped next to the unwanted piece of metal only to drive off, it was too much of an effort to even step out of their van!

By nightfall, hubby had reached boiling point as it became evident that this piece of crap scrap was not going anywhere, nor could it be driven by anyone. It certainly is not something anyone would want in front of their property, especially as it does not portray a good image for tourists coming to our BnB!

No one in authority had responded to our pleas for help, so hubby and our neighbour decided to move this scrap metal down to the end of the road or leave it on the side of the road, which would force the police to move it.

Vigilante Neighbourhood-Watch Patrollers

Suddenly all hell broke loose; vehicles with flashing lights came from nowhere, aggro hefty burly young men with bullet-proof vests and guns bulging underneath stepped out; not a pretty sight at all!

Hubby and the neighbour suddenly were the criminals for wanting to move what really was a piece of scrap but no one was interested in looking at it; they wanted to rock and roll and were out to do a citizen's arrest!

SA Police Force with blue lights flashing arrived saying this could be seen as theft! Metro Police followed soon thereafter with more blue lights, but were mere spectators!

Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash

It was like a circus, but thank heavens our guest cottage is behind the house and the new guests were safely inside so saw nothing!

Hubby would never ever think of touching a vehicle parked on the verge but this bakkie was clearly not going to be driven by anyone ever again. No one on that blue Monday believed a word he said nor bothered to take a look inside, until they got tired of the party as this silver-haired man was not standing down, no matter how big or burly they were!

Hubby was adamant that it needs to be removed without any delay, and when he further told them to show some respect as they're talking to a 71-year-old diabetic, they quickly backed off!

Common sense should prevail, but sadly that is lacking by those in authority! time any of my South African friends need the police to arrive at all, rather alert your neighbourhood-watch patrollers, pretend you're doing something illegal, and the entire force will be there in no time at all!

BUT...when you have a robbery at home where your door is smashed by real thieves who steal computers and televisions in a matter of minutes to make an escape before armed response arrive, do not think the police will investigate that thievery! Taking fingerprints is a waste of time they say, as our fingerprints will also be everywhere! They only take a statement, give a case number, and walk away yawning!

The Airport Pick-up

The son was flying back from Johannesburg on the same night.

The reason for his visit sounds ludicrous, but...some three weeks ago he drove about seven hours up and down to apply for a passport renewal in Joburg, as here in our beautiful Kwazulu Natal it's virtually impossible to apply as the authorities are permanently off-line. His passport was ready for pick-up and this time he flew; it actually costs less to fly and take an Uber, than drive all the way, with the cost of fuel and toll gate fees.

Hubby was tired, angry, and irritated as the bakkie was pushed back onto our verge by the police, with a promise that they would have it removed asap.

To add insult to injury, the son's flight was delayed by an hour and a half so it was nearly midnight by the time they arrived back home.

Thankfully this Bluer than blue Monday ended on a high note, as the bakkie had magically disappeared by the time he returned!

Next time I'll keep my mouth shut and rather not say anything if anyone leaves anything on our verge, especially any scrap metal as I could be accused of stealing if I was seen to be discarding it!

Much ado about nothing is an understatement!


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