The Strange One!

Photo by Nicholas Githiri:

This post is in response to the question posed by @ericvancewalton

Check it out here

How would you describe your faith journey?

My answer:

My faith journey is a rather strange one! So was my pregnancy and birth! I never had a hand in my choice of journey, it was waiting for me, foisted upon me before I even understood what it was all about, I would say the journey was one shaped by destiny and divine guidance.

According to Mom, my paternal grandfather, Pa, was a great seer and was renowned for his divine gifts, so people came to him from far and wide, to seek his counsel and to get cure for their ailments. He had no shrine but he could divine by merely touching a missing person's clothes or belongings.

Pa's fame went well beyond and despite his reputation, he embraced Christianity later in life and became an integral part of the Anglican fellowship, where his gifts continued to astonish and inspire.

So the new convert, Pa, after baptism was given the name Aaron, his wife and all his children were baptized and given christian names as well. My dad being the first son was given the name Eleazar.

Then his wife, my grandmother died and being close to ninety then, Dad felt he couldn't stay alone in the village and then brought him to live with us.

A few months later, he called my Mom and told her that it was time for him to return home;

"No, Pa! You can't go, there's no one in the village to take care of you", Mom argued.

"I'm not talking of the village, I'm talking of home, to God and to my wife", Pa spoke resolutely of his impending departure. Then he continued, "But you are a very good woman, take this wrapper as a gift from me to you. I am coming back because my work is not done here, but I am weak and can't continue in this body. Take good care of the girl when she's born".

My Mom was startled because she hadn't told anyone, not even my dad because she wasn't so sure yet.

"But Pa, I'm not ......, her voice trailed off as she was interrupted by Pa.

"But I am sure, you are just a few days gone". Pa spoke with unwavering certainty as he handed over the wrapper to her, he affirmed her pregnancy, foretelling the child's future and their intertwined destinies.

"My eyes are heavy, give me beans and plantain to eat (his favourite meal)".

That night, he peacefully passed on to the great beyond, to everyone's utter amazement.

Mom was confirmed pregnant and that pregnancy was what produced me, a child born into an extraordinary lineage with a mandate to conclude a mission of liberation.

It didn't come as a shock to my family when I became a seer at age three. My parents tried so hard to curtail my prophetic utterances, which landed me in trouble several times. I spoke as I saw, without fear or favour earning me the nicknames, "Ma Aaron", by my family, and "The Strange One", by others.

So through the years, I embraced the mantle of a prophet(ess), seeing far beyond the ordinary and leaving indelible mark everywhere I set my feet, and I am so satisfied with the journey, not in material wealth but in the joy I have brought into the lives of many, the liberation of many captives and the fact that;

I'm about my father's business.

Just like Jesus Christ declared to His worried parents, when they came looking for him and found Him in the Temple.

God's gift is for a purpose, and understanding that gift and aligning myself according to His Will has made the journey the best I could have ever wished for, a journey of a destiny fulfilment.

Photos of me, ministering in the church. All photos are mine.

Thank you @ericvancewalton for helping little accounts like mine grow...😊

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