The FarmGirl's Little Trip

She was early to rise and looking out from her bedroom window, she caught this sight. "It's going to be a lovely day," she thought as she stood there for a couple more minutes to enjoy the view. There is something about the sunrise that makes her feel good. It's like promising a new day, a new beginning...

"Aah... thank you, thank you..." she murmured as she smiled and made her way to the kitchen. She needed to start early if she wants to see more. She's leaving town on a wee adventure and it excites her.

She made herself a hot Mami soup with a few slices of fried pork and half an egg. She had given the other half to the neighbor's cat that often comes her yard in the morning. The cat gobbled it in one go. He must be really hungry so she gave him the left over rice. The cat seems to know where to go when he's hungry, lol!

Anyway, she headed out after checking everything was in order. Her old but trusty trooper is going to be her only company today and they're going for a spin somewhere away.

Their first stop is the so-called Highest Point in Atok. Standing atop and viewing these mountains feels like she had conquered them too. They look like hills from the deck. The sight is always stunning and she couldn't help imagining herself flying above those seemingly endless curves.

"How great Thou art..." She silently thought feeling blissful of those wonders before her.

With her phone, she started taking a panoramic view when something caught her eyes. "Waterfalls!" she exclaimed and zoomed into it. "Whoa... I wonder if anyone had been to that waterfalls," she was talking to herself.

Then it was time to move on. There will be another time, perhaps she will catch the sunrise from that place.

And after driving for half an hour, a little hut along the highway grabbed her attention so she pulled over for a wee tour.

The roadside garden is nice but unkempt. Looks like no one had been clearing it for a while, weeds are everywhere.

Good though that most of the plants are still thriving like this beautifully blooming marigold. "Nature has a way of taking good care of itself..." she said to herself feeling mesmerized.

As she walked towards the hut, she noticed that someone had started cleaning some parts of that garden. At least the paved path is out of weeds and so as the plant beds.

Her heart sank seeing those plastic bottles under the hut. As she picked them up, she felt sad of how some people can be so irresponsible and act as they please. "Can't they at least have common sense?" she sounded like she was scolding herself she headed back to her car with the trash.

Then a sudden thought came... a project... call it an initiative. "Next week, I will be back with the bins!" she exclaimed enthusiastically before driving away.

Howdy, everyone :)

Hope you're all doing well today. It was a bit fun crafting this little story while looking at the photos from my gallery, lol!

All photos are my own. 300822/09:40ph

Smile... laugh often... love more... be happy and grateful always!

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