Reflections on Silver Bloggers

As the Silver Bloggers' community is just five - yes - 5 - away from hitting the one thousand subscribers mark, we thought it time to clear up some misconceptions about the Silver Bloggers' community:

Silver Bloggers has "nothing" to do with coins or precious metals!

So...what are we about then?

Target Membership

Photo by Pereanu Sebastian on Unsplash

Silver Bloggers is a niche community for young-at-heart, kindred Silvery Souls - usually in the 40+ category:

We tend to be pre-occupied with one or more of these

  • Retirement planning
  • Semi- or fully retired
  • Freelancer - pre- or post-retirement; second, third, fourth or fun careers, side hustles or hobbies
  • Post-retirement nine-to-fivers
  • Seasoned (and not-so-seasoned) crypto HODLERS
  • The good old days

We are a caring community:

Because we care, we do welcome young bloggers with 'old souls', from countries with high unemployment rates, and who blog about relevant silvery topics.

BUT...if you are a young blogger and your chosen subject matter doesn't jive with what we've just said, and the community description, please do NOT subscribe!

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Examples of topics that rock our holey socks

  • Planning retirement
    what are your visions, are your dreams plans on track?

  • How has retirement affected you and your lifestyle?
    traveling, filling that bucket list, etc.

  • If you're semi-retired, have you changed your career?
    Anything else you can tell us about this.

  • Post-retirement full-time careers
    what are the benefits, and what are the pitfalls?

  • Part-time business
    many follow their life-long dreams, how has this changed your life?

  • Silvery folk working as freelancers
    we'd like to hear what you do as it could help others.

  • Hobbies
    are they a way of supplementing that fixed retirement income or are they just a pastime? What are they?

  • Memories of yester-year stored on the blockchain for future generations
    happy, sad or quirky stories.

  • Stuck in the mid-generation
    caring for grandkids or ailing parents...etc. The happy, the sad, the good, bad and the ugly.

  • Crypto HODLERS
    please share tips (not financial advice!) for those of us who are Crypto virgins.

These topics merely are a guideline, but we are sure you get the drift!

Mind you, they are great ideas for #bom topics - watch this space for more!

Contests and Challenges

Initiatives, challenges or contests from other communities should be posted in those communities, not ours. After all that's where they belong, so it's not fair, and we will ignore them.

The contests, challenges and initiatives that "live" in the Silver Bloggers' community will all be published from this account. We do have at least one challenge a month and a couple of initiatives are in the planning: all are, or will be published from this account. If you join the fun: remember to read the rules first!


OCD Curation and support

Members' well-written blogs stand a chance to be selected by the moderating team - if they fit with our community topics - and recommended to the OCD team for additional support.

Speaking of, which -

Please do also support other Niche Communities

Hive is full of other fun and interesting communities and which may well focus on your particular penchant or interest. We are part of and want to support the wider Hive community, so posts that fit with other communities, should go there. We won't be offended!

Of course, if you want silvery eyes, you're welcome the use the #silverbloggers tag and share them in the free for all channel in our Discord server.

We know this is often a difficult choice i.e. hobbies like photography, cooking (yes, it is a hobby for some of us), etc, etc. and you will see that our moderators, themselves, don't restrict themselves to posting in our community.



Yes, we do have some. Some are obvious, others are common courtesy, others are about what is universally accepted (or not) on Hive:
Language - English or if you use your home language please provide an English translation.
Plagiarism – not tolerated
Image Sourcing – Essential
Post recycling – not tolerated
Copy & Paste – keep to a minimum and always provide the source
Publishing – publish suitable posts in Silver Bloggers Community, but still support other niche communities as described above
Cross-posting - Only if it is a relevant topic that would be beneficial or of interest to Silver Bloggers, and #silverbloggers is compulsory.
NSFW – not tolerated

Please be kind, no personal attacks, or bullying.


We would love to get more eyes on all community posts from - @hive-106316 - our Silver Bloggers account.

This is why we make a point of reblogging your posts.
Please do the same!


Come and join our Silver Bloggers communitySilver Bloggers footer banner 600 x 300.jpg

A big THANK YOU in advance


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