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Driving Myself Nuts Choosing A Theme For The 100 Days Project

The 100 Day Project has gotten so big nowadays there's loads of tips online about all aspects of it and how to prepare but, despite watching numerous videos and reading tons of blog posts here I am, one day before it starts and I can't settle on a theme.

I started off thinking I'd base it around #quotes but then I thought it wouldn't be very visual to post about and would, most likely get boring fast.

Yesterday I settled on the theme of making stuff that uses up the contents of the attic and thus helps me declutter. I got quite excited about that one but that's what I usually do anyway.

Then I found myself awake in the night fretting about posting on Instagram.

What's happening here? This is supposed to be fun.

This morning I thought maybe I could keep it open and do 100 days of sitting quietly for 5 mins and seeing what comes to me but I just tried that, as a bit of a rehearsal, and nothing came to me. Hilarious! Mind you I'm writing this post. Does this count?

Grrrrrr. Driving myself nuts.

Going to take a break . . .

. . . OK. Back from the abyss. Let's keep it simple . . .

I'm going to stick with getting myself into the attic everyday, creating something, even if it's just a blob of paint on a piece of paper. and posting about it somewhere. (In case you're new to my musings, the significance of the attic is that it's filled with stuff to create with).

Right now that all seems a bit dull. But I'm not fallign for this unhelpful pre project mind chatter. As I said yesterday "I'm going to do this". I'm sure the actual doing will be more fun than the thinking about it.